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  • Understanding Match Levels

    During loading of data to Senzing, entity resolution and subsequent matching occurs immediately as your data is observed. There are three main matching outcomes that can result.  1. Match or Duplic...

  • System Requirements

    The currently supported requirements for running the Senzing APIs are outlined below. If you have requirements or questions not addressed here, please let us know at support@senzing.com Operating S...

  • Entity Resolution Processes

    PDF Download:  https://senzing.com/ER-processes Abstract: Senzing performs a number of processes to entity resolve inbound records as they are received. You may be familiar with several of them, ...

  • API Quickstart Roadmap

    Welcome to Senzing Entity Resolution (ER). To guide your introduction and familiarity we suggest the following road map in the listed order.  We highly recommend you don't skip this! Basic inform...

  • Quickstart for Linux

    Overview This article outlines installing the Senzing APIs on Linux, performing loading and entity resolution, analysis and exploration of the outcomes of entity resolution and how to prepare and l...

  • Install - Air Gapped Systems

    To install Senzing on air gapped system (doesn't have internet connection and access to Linux software repositories), manual downloading and installation of the Senzing packages is required. It may...

  • G2SetupConfig.py - Setting your Initial Database Configuration

    The Senzing engine is configured with a JSON document, this is provided as a template configuration file within the Senzing installation.  With a new installation and project creation, this configu...

  • Globalization

    What Languages Does Senzing Support? Senzing utilizes UTF-8 which allows for most languages of the world to be properly captured. Beyond ingesting and storing data, Senzing analytics go further – t...

  • How to force records together or apart

    Overview Sometimes despite records not having enough matching attributes to resolve together, you have additional knowledge and know records belong to the same person or organization. Senzing provi...

  • I've Received My License, Now What?

    If you are looking to load more records than the built-in evaluation license or you are looking to use the Senzing API for productive purposes just reach out to Senzing to get a larger license.   ...