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Latest activity by Brian-M
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    Brian M. created an article,

    End User License Agreement (EULA)

    See https://senzing.com/end-user-license-agreement/

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    Brian M. created an article,

    Quickstart for Docker

    Overview This article outlines how to set up and use Senzing with the example Docker images quickly. With the new example Docker images built on the senzingapi-runtime Linux package (available sinc...

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    Brian M. created an article,

    Upgrading Engine Configuration for new API Versions

    Warn This article is for general guidance. If you have a working Senzing system with data and insight you do not wish to lose, or are unsure of any steps please contact us for assistance.   ...

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    Brian M. created an article,

    Senzing in 3 API Calls (RESTful API 3.x)

    Overview This is a simple example of how to add and search Senzing via the open source RESTful API.  This requires that the Senzing REST API Server is set up and running. The easiest way to do this...

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    Brian M. created an article,

    Senzing in 3 API Calls (Python SDK v3.x)

    Overview This is a simple example of how to add and search Senzing via the Python SDK.  The only prerequisite is to have completed the Senzing Quickstart which should take less than 15minutes. For ...

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    Brian M. commented,

    I'm not sure what you mean.  The point is to reflect changes from additions/changes to the records/resolution in Senzing to downstream systems.

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    Brian M. created an article,

    Senzing in 3 API Calls (RESTful API 2.x)

    Overview This is a simple example of how to add and search Senzing via the Python SDK.  This requires that the Senzing REST API Server is set up and running. The easiest way to do this is to have c...

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    Brian M. created an article,

    Senzing in 3 API Calls (Python SDK 2.x)

    Overview This is a simple example of how to add and search Senzing via the Python SDK.  The only prerequisite is to have completed the Senzing Quickstart which should take less than 15minutes. For ...

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    Brian M. created an article,

    [Advanced] Real-time replication and analytics

    Overview One of the key features of the Senzing API is the ability to support passing changes to downstream systems for analytics and/or replication. The fundamentals of how this is achieved are st...

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    Brian M. created an article,

    How does an Entity ID behave?

    First off, the Senzing Resolved Entity ID is not a globally unique persistent identifier.  Rather it is a number to identify a grouping that may be transient in nature.  This grouping reflects the ...