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Recent activity by Jeff-Butcher Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Generic Entity Specification - Data Mapping

    The documents herein describe the specification for mapping your source data records to the expected format ready to load into Senzing.  The PDF file is your guide and you can review the sample CSV...

  • Exploratory Data Analysis 2 - Basic exploration

    Please follow the instructions below and/or watch this Video tutorial  For the next step ... If you installed directly in linux, navigate to <your project>/g2/python directory. If you installed th...

  • Dynamic Resolution Demonstration

    Overview The default Senzing configuration for entity resolution is purposely conservative.  We don't put records together unless we are sure.  However we keep track of the records that fell just s...

  • Exploratory Data Analysis Overview (EDA Tools)

    So you've just loaded a bunch of data.   How many duplicate customers do you have? Were any of them on a watch list? What is that ambiguous match? How does Senzing compare with other matching en...

  • Loading SafeGraph data

    Some SafeGraph data is now available in Senzing JSON format for free. When you add SafeGraph data to your Senzing entity repository and subject records resolve to a SafeGraph place of interest, you...

  • Exploratory Data Analysis 1 - Loading the truth set demo

    For this demonstration, we will load the truth set demonstration files.  Please follow the instructions below. This demo requires that you have already installed the Senzing API.  If not, please in...

  • Exploratory Data Analysis 4 - Comparing ER results

    The G2Audit utility was designed to compare Senzing ER results with ... Postulated ER results from a truth set, see How to create an entity resolution truth set ER results from other engines Prior...

  • Scoring Search Results

    This article describes a configurable scoring algorithm that can be implemented after a search to rank the entities returned by the best matching record. Senzing does NOT provide weighted algorithm...

  • How to create disclosed relationships

    Some data sources keep track of known relationships between entities, such as familial relationships and company hierarchies. These are referred to as disclosed relationships in Senzing. There a...

  • Advanced mapping concepts

    This article guides you through the process of mapping and loading data into Senzing using the csv files attached to this article.   If you want to follow along, download them to a directory of you...